Tomorrow’s World – Project Number

I’ve got new work in this show at Project Number in East London.

It’s a great opportunity for Robin Tarbet and I to develop the conversation we initiated during our two person show at Rogue Project Space in Manchester earlier this year.

There’s shared concern with drawing out the aesthetic potential in defunct technologies and the failed dynamism of visions of the future. By extension there’s an attempt to explore the function of ‘progress’ as it manifests itself in the early 21st century.

The new work represents an ‘equalization’ of  my attitude towards technology, how I’m no longer (as) seduced by it and increasing mindful of the material residue of break-neck technological progress. Digital media belongs with rope, paper and wood as part of a extended vocabulary which explores how we interact with our increasingly dematerialized world.

Project Number is curated by Chris Rawcliffe

Come along if you’re in London.

Private View: 18/5/12, 18.00 – 21.00

Project Number,
10 Cazenove Road,
N10 6BD.

Open weekends til 3/6/12 or by appointment