My research into digital asceticism has led me to experiment with creating an local, open wifi network as an 1:1 scale platform (see previous audio steam post for more info about what this is). This is a network that anyone in the vicinity can access. It is hosted locally, so has a limited geographical range.…
Category: Practice & Research
Freeform Audio Stream – White Wizard
At White Wizard I have set up a round-the-clock online audio stream that plays an evolving and randomly selected series of audio works by artists and musicians. This includes music, ASMR, spoken word and field recordings up to now. Content is accepted by submission. The stream also piggybacks events from which it broadcasts live. My…
Digital Ascetic – CMCI Conference Kings College
I’m presenting a paper titled Becoming Invisble: Towards a Digital Ascetic at Kings College as part of (In)Visible Cultures conference organised by the Center for Media and Creative Industries. It draws parallels between the tensions inherent in the 11-12th century catholic church, between form of life as advocated by St Francis and rule of life…
TV on the Internet; Bergson Inside and Outside the Interface.
Earlier this year I wrote a text inspired by a 1980’s twilight zone episode called Wordplay. In it a salesman loses his grip on language, words stop meaning what they are supposed to and mean other things. Apart from being hilarious, it was interesting to me as it looks at what happens when concepts become…
Looped Resistance Band Videos
So the investigation into visualising variability continues with these short videos of women demonstrating how to exercise using resistance bands. The stretch of the band is no different, for me to the expansion/contraction of the central ‘image’ in the Met work of 18,000 images in size order (although nothing really expands, the screen is fixed…
Distractions 1 to 4
For a good portion of the summer I’ve been exploring simple actions/reactions ‘mediated’ by objects. Now have a big backlog of footage that appears to be breaking down into short videos. Here is a short compilation of four. Part of the challenge, like working with a sheet of blank paper, tinfoil or a piece of…
Reading Group: Quitting – Stephen Wright/Alex Koch & Brian Holmes
I’m running a reading group on the 24th of August at Bluecoat, and I’ve selected a text from The Piracy Project called ‘Quitting: A Conversation with Alex Koch on the Paradoxes of Dropping Out by Stephen Wright & Alex Koch with a response by Brian Holmes‘ (click text for link to pdf) I was in…
Slanted Progress Bar #1 (Black, Grey, White)
Slanted Progress Bar #1 (Black, Grey and White) from Dave Evans on Vimeo. 10 mins. HD Video. 2015. Inevitably I have been working with the form of the progress bar, and thinking about the opportunities they present. As the internet and computer processors speed up, the progress bar will die. It’ll become as antiquated as…
Resource Reading Group: The Life and Death of Media by Bruce Sterling
I’m running a reading group at the Bluecoat as part of their resource show. It’ll access the texts from two of the shows archive, The Serving Library and and publishing’s The Piracy Project, that focus on how we can avoid the affective implications of digital media. We’re starting with Sci Fi writer Bruce Sterling’s 90’s…