There is 3.5% left of a download (Adobe CS6 Master Collection) I will write until it is at 100%. Let me explain why. I have been waiting for a long time for this to download, it’s in its final stages. If I were to sit and watch it, it would go on forever, but as I now have a task to complete before it is done it will inevitably speed up. It is already on 97.5%. It is an odd idea, using the downloading of a digital productivity tool such as cs6 as a delimiter of creative time. Once I start to use it, it will inevitably throw up a whole load of new progress bars, waiting periods. It being the software. Soft. Ware. I’m on 99%. What does it mean to use the time something takes to process on a machine as a unit of creative time? Usually for me it is a weird dead time – waiting for something proper to happen. This, co-incidentally just about sums up my career as an artist. Waiting for something to happen. Possibly missing the.